

總顧問 Eri Liao, Esq. 提醒各位家長以及申請者,申請美國大學每一間的申請策略都不同,但共通的點是:

" 一旦設定好了整體申請策略後 (包括整體文件風格,學經歷包裝,個人特質設計),申請文章的組織架構以及文章用字精準度,將決定申請文件最後的成功或失敗,這絕對是跨向頂尖學校必經的一條困難的道路! "

學律的團隊包括了美國執業律師 (JD),英國執業律師,外籍英語文學教授/Ph.D, 外籍語文學專家 等,已經成功替上百位的申請者成功錄取了許多美國頂尖學校 (包括Harvard, Stanford, Columbia. etc.)!

每一位的申請都由學律顧問群與申請者做一對一的深度討論,透過不斷討論,扣緊所有相關的文件與學經歷共同創造出 最佳的申請文章 (Essay) 

以下為J.M. Hewitson教授/博士 向各位家長以及申請者說明 申請文章Essay的重要性以及 撰寫要點!

Dear Student,

You are reading this because you want a perfect college entrance essay that catches your personality, voice, and talent — but you don’t know what makes you special, yet.
 Remember, when college selection committees choose their students they first look at your grades then your essay. What happens when every applicant has the same grades? Simple really: your entrance essay is the deciding factor on whether you go to the school of your choice.

The power is in your hands, or, should I say, in the words printed on the page. This means your essay has to show your personality, qualities, and genius so powerfully that the committee members can’t wait to have you in their school. As an Asian student, the committee understands that you may make mistakes in your writing (they even expect it), and our job is to make sure those mistakes are minimized. But, truthfully, mistakes don’t matter! What does matter is how you present yourself in your writing. Many students think that listing their accomplishments, for example, “I won this competition; I got this score; I was number one in my class . . .” is what matters. These things may matter but nowhere near as much as you think. Why? Because students applying to the best schools are expected to have these accomplishments. Therefore, I want to figure out what makes you special, unique, and amazing.

In order to help you, I need to know exactly who you are, why you want to go to this college, and why this major is your passion. The more I know about you and what makes you special the better your entrance essay will be. And let me share an important idea with you, even though I am a professor of English literature, when I write a 700 word job application for myself, I may take up to 15 hours to perfect it. Writing a great essay requires energy, time, and lots of creative thought. As you want to go to a great college to learn with the best students to guarantee your financial future, spending time now to really perfect this essay will pay off. Let me remind you, this essay is more important than your grades! Good Luck!

Best Regard,

J.M. Hewitson

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